Welcome to deanbyers.com


Page 3 Resume


I’m always looking for a fixer-upper with a solid foundation. I’m good at tearing down walls, building bridges, lighting fires and extinguishing fire lighters. I have great experience, lots of energy, a bit of that “vision thing” and I’m not afraid to start from the beginning.

My tool box of Lean Manufacturing Tools combined with NLP philosophies has created numerous synergies in the parts of life usually not brushed with business conducts. From the Kaisen that changed a 10 year old life from living with Ritalin and better diet choices or the Value Stream Mapping of a church camp, providing a safer, more activity driven environment. They’re universal principles that work in any aspect of life to create more abundance.

I have a successful management track record within recognized industry groups. I have been directly involved in leading sophisticated supply chain endeavors. I am a broad-based individual who has achieved a good reputation among peers and can interface the business needs of the position with the technical demands. And the quantifiable ability to significantly add to the company's bottom line, I have developed and implemented financial databases displaying a sound understanding of costing, performance measurement and inventory planning models and methodologies. Utilized technology and conceptual applications to develop a competitive advantage in the marketplace have a strong financial orientation, a global view of manufacturing and distribution capabilities. Delivering more than $1.5 billion in total cost savings throughout my career through expertise quality improvements in planning, staffing, budgeting, and directing purchasing, logistics, and supply chain management. Spearheaded development of regional, national, and international procurement programs, fixed price contracts, and vendor sourcing plans to expand supply base, reducing costs and improved margins. And last but not least, benchmarked customer satisfaction results across Production, Distribution, Quality, Sales, Service and Facilities




Global Business Development –Strategic Alliances – Negotiations and Sales Channel Management

Strategic and Tactical Planning – P&L and Fiscal Management – Gap and Risk Analysis

Program and Project Management – Lean Manufacturing –ERP / MRP – Value Stream Mapping





More than 12 years International Aerospace improving market share and margins.


More than 15 years of operational excellence in construction, food, and electronics industries.


Along with my third BOD appointed term and 4th year of small business start up mentorship.




MBA – Tulane University, New Orleans, LA                          

BBS – Kent State University, Kent OH

And a few other accolades

Website Builder